The Northern California Joint Powers Purchasing Group

Formally known as Sacramento Area Joint Powers Purchasing Group, originally began in 1960 to met the needs of school districts purchasing supplies and equipment. The Sacramento County Grand Jury’s recommendation in 1970 was that a joint powers committee of purchasing agents in The Sacramento County, with legal authority to enter into contracts, using a centralized method of purchasing was deemed feasible.

In 1972 a report from the Grand Jury stated that there had been an improvement in cooperative purchasing as conducted by the Joint Powers Purchasing Group. The recommendation was that the services continue and be expanded.

To increase the buying power for various products the JPA pooling individual districts’ quantities, bids in volume resulting in lower prices for all members.

Becoming a member of JPA requires a small amount cost and membership responsibility in comparison to the cost savings to your district.

What our Members are Saying

We have seen an extensive savings for our school district. Together, we receive the best prices for our students and staff
Woodland Unified School District

Interested in becoming a Member?